Monday, February 28, 2011

Tea & Your Heart #3: Relax Already!

Last week we spoke about how tea is a great excuse to get together with friends and how socializing is important for reducing stress and maintaining a healthy heart.  Sometimes though, it is really nice to just unwind on your own!  Making an effort to sit, relax and meditate can do wonders to quiet your mind, sweep away all the distractions of the day and let your mind expand a bit.  Meditative practices, be it yoga, breathing exercises, etc. has consistently been shown time and time again to lower stress – and lower stress means a healthier heart.

            So where does tea come in?  It is a great way of deliberately relaxing; it provides the focal point!  Taking the time to make a pot of your favorite hot tea, pouring it into your favorite cup or mug and sipping it slowly in a quiet peaceful corner of your home is just wonderful.  Since it’s hot, it can’t be downed quickly, the aromas from the steam fill the air around you, and sipping it fills you with a warm feeling.  Does that sound relaxing or what?

So this week, do just that: make a pot of tea…let it simmer on the stove…slowly pour it into your favorite cup…find a quiet, sunny corner of your home without TV, internet, phone, etc….hold the cup up to your face…let the aroma fill the air around you…and slowly sip away…think about family, friends, vacations, dreams…let the little things go…and RELAX!

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